VPN, which refers to Virtual Private Network, is a way of connecting to a remote hosting server and being able to view online content via it as an alternative to doing it directly. Basically, the hosting server acts as a proxy, so assuming that you have a Virtual private network client on your personal computer or mobile device and you input the necessary login information to be able to connect to the hosting machine, you can browse internet sites or download files which you might not be able to access at all directly. Some sites and online services, for example, are available exclusively in specific countries, therefore in the event that you aren't able to access them, you could use a Virtual private network, or a hosting server, which is situated within that country. That way it shall seem like you're accessing the service/website from the country and you can get around the restrictions. There are businesses which offer VPNs as a separate service, but we've decided to offer the service with our hosting packages, therefore if you host your sites on our servers, you could benefit from the VPN access we provide absolutely free.

VPN Traffic in Shared Website Hosting

If you have a shared website hosting account, for instance, you shall locate a VPN section within the Hepsia Control Panel which is used to take care of all shared accounts. You will find all of the information that you need there - server hostname, login details and a list of the hosting server locations that you could use. We keep expanding the latter all the time, so with several mouse clicks you can access any online content from any location around the globe - the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, and so forth. With this free service you'll be able to use an encrypted connection to access social networks that are restricted within your country or streaming services that permit access only from selected countries and your true location will never be disclosed as you are not accessing anything directly. The filter which you'll find inside the VPN section of Hepsia shall permit you to boost your browsing speed and to decrease the generated traffic by blocking any undesirable content such as large images and ads.

VPN Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you host your internet sites inside a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you'll locate a Virtual private network section in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel and all the data that you need will be listed there. Including the hostname and the login credentials thatyou'll need as well as a complete list of the servers that we have and their locations. You can use any of them and we keep including new ones as to give you the opportunity to access any content which is restricted to particular countries or is blocked for whatever reason in your country. With only a couple of mouse clicks your connection can go through the Netherlands, the US or any of the other locations that we offer. We also have a filter that can quicken your connection by blocking ads and other large content which may create an excessive amount of traffic. The connection to our Virtual private network servers is encrypted, thus no one can uncover what you browse or where you are physically located.

VPN Traffic in VPS Servers

All Linux VPS servers which are set up with our advanced in-house built Hepsia Control Panel provide VPN access at no additional charge on top of the monthly VPS fee and you can find everything you need in order to use this service inside the Virtual private server section of your account. Including the hostname and the login info for the Virtual private network client on your end and the locations of all servers we have in order to permit you to choose the most suitable one based on what and where you'd like to access. The connection will consistently be encrypted, thus you'll not need to be concerned that another person may see what sites you visit or where you really reside. The VPN filter, that you could switch on via Hepsia, will filter ads and will compress graphics in order to save you traffic and to raise your browsing speed. With this 100 % free service, you can use any online service regardless of whether it's blocked within your home country or if the access to it is restricted only to selected countries.

VPN Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The Virtual private network access comes with all dedicated service set up with the innovative Hepsia Cp and once your machine is ready and you log in, you'lldiscover a section devoted to this service where you'll be able to find the login details which you need as to be able to connect to our Virtual private network system. This includes not just the username and the password, but also a long list of servers around the globe that you'll be able to employ as an access point and make it look as if you're in Europe, North America, etc. As all your Internet traffic will go through the server you have picked, we have also included a special filter in Hepsia, which you can enable in case you want to block ad banners and compress the other images on the internet sites you visit. This way you'll enjoy faster loading speeds and will save some traffic. Our VPN service shall allow you to use any online content irrespective of if it is available only in selected countries or if your local Internet provider blocks it for whatever reason.